md family photographer

Becca + John || Say I do at Jefferson Patterson Park

Becca + John || Say I do at Jefferson Patterson Park

From the moment I met John and Becca I knew we’d be a great fit. Over coffee and conversation, I became convinced that Becca and I were kindred spirits with our love for academics, check lists, and animals… and I kept saying to John he had so many similar qualities as my favorite guy, who also loves to cook and has a great work ethic. After hugging goodbye… I knew I wanted to see them both again.

Charlotte Paige || Oh How You've Grown || Fourth Birthday

Charlotte 4th birthday Maryn Graves Productions

Oh Sweet Charlotte, you are still just a bundle of giggles and curls. This blog post is coming in a bit late because you’ve recently done away with your afternoon naps, mama’s time to get these little projects done. But that’s okay, it just means I get more sweet cuddles with you and we embrace quiet time together. Although we’re still learning what quiet time is J

I couldn’t be more thrilled for the year ahead; you are officially four and have become such a big girl. Later on this year you will start a very big new chapter of your life, preschool. However, until that very special milestone occurs, this mama plans to enjoy every last little minute I can with you. I love that you still cuddle up and hold my hand and still want rocked to sleep with the “sleep in heaven” song.

You just eclipsed 30lbs and I’m not even sure you’re on the growth chart but I know you’re likely going to be long and leggy unlike you’re mama. You are still just all sugar and spice and everything nice. You are polite, saying please and thank you, and are learning to clean up after yourself, for which I’m grateful for.

 You have never met a stranger and are happy as can be striking up a conversation with anyone you come across. You’re strong, inquisitive, stubborn, bubbly, smart, sweet, rough and tumble, curious, confident, creative, helpful, caring, and most certainly determined and headstrong which we hope to guide you gracefully with in the right direction. You are a strong negotiator. You are a thoughtful, loving, and guiding sister.

This year you lost your first best friend to a big move and met a new dear friend for your weekly play dates. You and your brother were baptized and the whole family came in to celebrate. You started your first class in ballet and haven’t missed a day you love it so much. You went on your first big vacation to Savannah, Georgia to see Uncle Nate and you still talk about the jungle park weekly. You went to your first zoo with Nana and Papa where you got to play up close and personal with all the birdies. You transitioned your love from horses to unicorns.  You are now seeing the joys of having a dog in our family. You are smart, so smart, your daddy and I are constantly saying how are you only 3? Now 4? You really are beyond your years. We are so proud of you and just can’t wait to see all you will accomplish. The world is your oyster, sweetheart.

You love the outdoors. You love sunshine and everything the world has to offer. You still love, bubbles, adventures, tickles, and chase. For the first time ever, you’re exploring new foods but still love lox, fruit, noodles with miso soup, and syrup as if it were it’s own food group. You don’t let mommy and daddy sneak chocolate because you’ll investigate and ask to smell our breathe, haha. You love to sing and dance and tell stories. You constantly say, “ Mommy…Daddy…I have to tell you something.” You love baking with mommy and look forward to pancake Sundays with daddy. You love your visits with your grands, who don’t stay away for long because they adore you and your brother so much. You love park days and play days. You have grown into such a sweet young lady. You still love dresses and beautiful costumes but request braids over bows. You want to extend bedtime just as long as you possibly can, which feels like a two hour process sometimes. Every night we play in the bath (your daddy’s special time with you), we read books you pick out, sing about seven songs in sequence, and say our prayers. As we tuck in cooper you get an extra cuddle and extra song. We will cherish this for as long as we can because we know the little is running out and time is moving fast. We’re thankful that you still cherish these moments as much as we do.

You are our absolute world, my love. We can’t wait to see what this year brings. We LOVE you!

Charlotte 4th birthday Maryn Graves Productions
Charlotte 4th birthday Maryn Graves Productions
Charlotte 4th birthday Maryn Graves Productions
Charlotte 4th birthday Maryn Graves Productions
Charlotte 4th birthday Maryn Graves Productions
Charlotte 4th birthday Maryn Graves Productions
charlottes 4th birthday maryn graves productions
charlottes 4th birthday maryn graves productions

Cooper James || Oh How You've Grown || 2nd Birthday

Cooper James || Oh How You've Grown || 2nd Birthday

Cooper our sweet little man, you turn two today, and while I can’t believe it…your daddy and I are doing a little happy dance that for the first time in 4 years we are officially out of the baby stage...and we survived. You are just learning to talk (your first word was Hi!) and you can now hold your own in battles with your sister. You took your time walking, but are now running circles around us. We still have to work on that binky but we’ll get there.  You make are hearts full and our family complete.

Miss Railyn || Cake Smash + First Birthday Portraits || Backyard Mini

Miss Railyn || Cake Smash + First Birthday Portraits || Backyard Mini

Happy 1st Birthday sweet Railyn Grace. You are every bit as adorable as I had anticipated and I am so thankful I got to capture these sweet memories for you and your family.